Publish with us

Tree Media Life is one of the fastest growing & promising publishing houses in the medical books & journals genre. It is the publishing wing of Kothari  Medical,which works in close collaboration with leading Medical Authors, Doctors & Health Care Provider Experts. We are up to date with all the recent advances in medical science & literature. Keeping in pace with this ever-evolving field, we publish the latest healthcare-related content and make it easily available to Medical Undergraduates, Postgraduates & Consultants alike.

Our Focus

At Kothari Medical we cater to every aspect of Medical Phygital (Physical & Digital) publishing. We have a top-notch and efficient pool of medical experts that meet our high standards benchmarked by us. We dwell exclusively in healthcare professions and understand the special demands of the market.

The source of the product could be the author’s idea or an indigenously built idea based on extensive medical market research – but the end result will always be a high quality market optimized product. The media of publication could be print or digital, but our expertise will help process and polish your idea so as to mould it in perfect accordance with the market and desired target audience expectations. Our reach and extent of expertise covers development, sales and marketing functions. Our single-minded focus from the onset is – to publish the best book.

All our functions focus to develop, edit, proof, curate, and market healthcare publishing products that are top-of-the-line and unmatched. We are committed to excellence – to our authors, their products, and the customers we serve.

The cornerstone of the healthcare publishing and distribution business is Proposal Building. We understand and augment that with our very own Proposal Strategy Plans that spell out detailed instructions that help create great print and digital proposals. Moreover, as an author you get invaluable insights into the proposal system.

Your idea + Our expertise = The Perfect Book Don’t let an idea simmer too long. With Kothari Medical your next product idea will take shape and become a reality. We strive to create a platform that will bring together healthcare professionals and students to create phenomenal books that will become case studies of the future.