MCQs for the FRCS (Urol) and Postgraduate Urology Examinations


This book is the first MCQ revision book to be published specifically for candidates sitting the FRCS (Urol) examination. The FRCS (Urol) examination tests the required standard of a recognised Urology specialist in the UK, i.e. day one NHS UK/Ireland consultant. The Examination is divided into two parts. The First part is devoted entirely to MCQs which aim to test the entire urology syllabus in depth. The Second part uses clinical scenarios to form the basis of the viva voce section of the examination. These vivas test the candidate in the fields of overall professional capability, knowledge and judgement logical thought process, safe practice and communication skills. This book provides a selection of representative MCQs together with a detailed explanation of each answer covering the topic in depth. Each chapter has been written by experienced Urological surgeons who have already been successful in passing the examination. In addition to the FRCS (Urol) examination, MCQs form the basis of equivalent postgraduate Urological examinations internationally, and the scope of this book will be an invaluable addition to individuals sitting the FEBU and similar exams in the USA, Australia and Asia.

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Dimensions 24 × 17 × 1.5 cm

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